Most of the cancer pain is brought about by the tumor pressing on bones, nerves or different organs in your body. In some cases, pain is identified with your cancer treatment. For instance, some chemotherapy medications can cause drugs and shivering in your hands and feet or a burning sensation at where they are infused. Radiotherapy can cause skin redness and irritation.

Cancer Pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain is because of damage brought about by a physical issue and tends to only a short time frame.

Chronic pain is pain brought about by changes to nerves.

Cancer Pain Treatment

Cancer Pain management in Hyderabad can be done by cancer pain specialist in Manikonda at best cancer pain management hospitals.

Oral Medications

Painkilling drugs are used to control cancer pain in many people. The way to controlling cancer pain is to take your medication on a regular timetable. Try not to delay until your aggravation gets awful. Pain is simpler to control when you treat it soon after it begins.

Nerve Blocks

Nerve blocks are infusions that contains strong anti-inflammatory agents coordinated at a specific nerve or nerve bunch that is expected to lessen aggravation and ease pain.

Intracthecal Pump

Also known as infusion pain pumps or spinal drug delivery systems. In this method, a pocket is made under the skin that is adequately enormous to hold a medication pump.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation (or RFA) is a method used to diminish pain. RFA can be utilized to assist patients with constant (enduring) cancer pain. RFA has demonstrated to be a safe and effective way of treating a few types of pains. It likewise is for the most part all around endured, with not many related complications. We provide cancer pain treatment at Manikonda.

Cancer Pain Treatment in Hyderabad choices accessible at Elite Spine and Pain Management Center

  1. Oral drugs
  2. Oral morphine treatment
  3. Psychological and lifestyle counselling
  4. Fentanyl patches
  5. Nerve blocks
  6. Intrathecal pumps
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to Call Us