Spinal cord stimulation therapy in Hyderabad is a therapy in which a device called a spinal cord stimulator is inserted into a body for pain relief. A spinal cord stimulator sends a low level of electricity in a spinal cord which relieves pain. It helps people manage their chronic pain and reduce their use of medications. This spinal cord injury treatment in Hyderabad is used after the trial and failure of other non-surgical treatments. It is used for patients who have pain likes;
Patients who don’t get sufficient relief after medication, less invasive therapies or surgeries, and patients who don’t have psychiatric disorders can go under this treatment recommended by best orthopedic doctors at spine pain hospitals in Hyderabad.
The Spinal cord stimulator device are of three types
Conventional implantable pulse generator- It is a battery-operated stimulator.
Rechargeable IPG- It is similar to the conventional type only difference is the battery is charged without operating a surgery.
Radiofrequency stimulator- It uses a battery that is outside the body.
The surgical process includes two steps in spinal cord stimulation therapy that is
Trial therapy- In it, a surgeon will place a temporary device for a week for a patient to test it out.
Stimulator implantation- If the success of the trial is 50% and more then only this process Is carried out. The process is carried out for 1-2 hours by giving local anesthesia and sedatives to a patient.
A patient may leave the same day of operation. Incision healing takes 2-4 weeks. With the recommendation of back pain specialist in Manikonda, a patient can start minor activities gradually.
Dr. Prakash Gudipudi is the best interventional pain management doctor who is involved in providing Spinal cord stimulation therapy for patients having chronic back and neck pain. We provide spinal card stimulation therapy at Manikonda.